General Studio Rules
Students are expected to be ready for their lessons. This means a student is expected to arrive early dressed and with hair ready before entering dance class. Students at beginning levels and up should warm up and stretch at least 10 to 15 minutes before a lesson or rehearsal begins. This transition period assists in one’s focus and physical well-being.
Students arriving more than 15 minutes late for a 45 minute/hour long class can expect to sit and observe class that day, as much that can be gained through observation to reduce injury. If desired, they may make-up the class on another day.
Teachers should be addressed with respect as Ms. /Mr. unless otherwise instructed by the individual teacher. This is to help the students maintain a more professional demeanor.
No gum, food or drinks are permitted in the dance studio.
Students may not sit down unless instructed to do so by their teacher.
Students may not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
No excessive conversations should take place during class. This can be disruptive to fellow classmates on the floor.
Be respectful of yourself and others. No foul language will be tolerated.
Girls dancing on pointe must have shoes that are in good condition. It is strongly recommended that dancers at the Intermediate and Advanced levels have a backup pair of pointe shoes in their dance bags sewn and ready to wear. It can be dangerous and cause tendon and ligament strains as well as bruised toenails if the shoes are too worn.
Students need to call/text/email the studio to let their teacher know if they are going to miss class. You are expected to make up any missed classes within the semester. You may take a make-up class at your level or lower. Any other options must be discussed with the instructor.
Parents are not allowed to enter ongoing classes as this creates a distraction for dancers. If you have a concern, please ask the front desk to pass a note onto the teacher, and they will meet with you while on break or after class.
Parents: If you need to remove your dancer early from class, please inform the teacher prior to class. If an emergency arises, please inform the front desk, and they will quietly bring your dancer to you. This will reduce class distraction and student anxiety.
Observation is permitted from the waiting room where available or in the studio during observation week each semester held the last week of classes during the Fall and Spring. The entry way should not be blocked, as someone may trip over another dancer or object when leaving class.
Parents: Please be prompt in picking up your dancer at the end of class. If they must wait, please notify the front desk and have your dancer prepared ahead of time with some work to keep them occupied. The studio will not stay open more than 10 minutes after the last class of the evening.
Dance Studio Etiquette
NO eating in the studio to help reduce the possibility of accidents.
Water is permitted for sipping while in class. Please refrain from placing water bottles on or near the sound system/equipment.
NO unattended children are permitted in the dance studio without a teacher.
Please do not wear dance shoes that have been worn outside. This includes sneakers/tennis shoes as they may damage the floors.
Please carry your dance shoes in with you from outside.
Students should have a dance bag for shoes and belongings.
Label all shoes and attire with first and last names.
Please wear dry, clean clothing to class.
If you are of the age, please remember to wear deodorant as needed.
Please turn off cell phones prior to entering class.
No gum chewing or jewelry is allowed in class.
Please refrain from bringing valuables to class.
All unclaimed lost and found items will be donated to charity at the end of each season.
Impulse Dance Academy is not responsible for lost items or valuables.
Waiting Area/Reception
Children under the age of 8 should not be left unattended in the waiting area. Children should be picked-up promptly after their classes. If there is an emergency, contact Ms. Rita at (248) 388 - 1618. If your child must wait for you, please let the front desk know and provide your child with an activity and/or snack.
Please use the garbage can provided in the waiting area for disposing food items.
If food/drink are spilled, please use paper towels or clean rags available at the front desk to help us reduce stains.
Ladies, please use proper etiquette and disposal methods of all sanitary items required.
Tuition Payments
Monthly Tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month. After the 10th day, a $12 late fee will be applied to your dancers account.
LATE PICK-UP: Parents who arrive after closing time are charged $5.00 for every 5 minutes past the point of close. Late fees are automatically applied to your monthly tuition bill and must be paid by the next tuition cycle.
Payments can be made at the front desk directly via cash/credit, placed in the drop box at the studio or paid online at myimpulsedanceacademy.com
Automatic/Recurring payments via debit/credit card can also be set up for the first of each month
Please see Registration form for additional details.
No refunds or credits are given for missed classes. All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Class Placement and Observation
It should be understood that students often remain in a class level for more than one year. Our main interest is to offer our students proper training for each stage of development. Some students are mentally more mature than their body is capable of physically implementing, while some students bodies are physically strong yet mentally not prepared for the increased structure of the next level up. If a change to another level is appropriate, you and the student shall be notified.
Promotions are made at the discretion of the instructors along with the director. Parents are welcome to request a private conference concerning the student’s progress. Other important considerations are attention span, the ability to take correction, understanding of the technical aspects of the movement, strength, the possibility of injury, and confidence.
We offer parents the opportunity to observe classes once each semester. Dates selected in the Fall and Spring will be open for observation.
Make-Up Classes
Make-up classes are the student’s responsibility. Make-ups must happen in the semester they are missed.
Students need to call/text/email the studio to let their teacher know if they are going to miss class. You may take a make-up class at your class level or lower; see below. Any other options must be discussed with the instructor.
Students enrolled in our Academy Training Program and Pre-Academy are expected to participate in the complete dance program. If our training program causes a long-term conflict, we have other options such as the open class schedule that may better accommodate your needs.
No refund or credit is given for missed classes.
Conferences & Concerns
Conferences can be scheduled by appointment only with both the teacher(s) and the Director. Please call 248-388-1618 for a private appointment. Teachers may/may not be available after your child’s class, since they often have another class to teach afterwards. If you have an immediate need, please advise the staff so they can address your concern.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, please call the studio line at (248) 388-1618. If you gave your e-mail address at registration, we will send out timely notices when possible.
If the Oakland county schools are closed, the classes prior to 3:00pm will be canceled. Evening classes will be determined by road conditions and weather reports. Please call the studio line for updates.
As always we ask for parents and students to use their best judgment, as your safety is our chief concern during these times. For class make-up information, please refer to the make-up policy.
Dress Code
Please see Class Descriptions Page
Financial & Scholarship Information
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